All Entries in the "TTK’s NAMM SLAMM 2014" Category

NAMM 2014 30 Pedals in 30 Days Edition wanted to spotlight the new gear from the manufacturers who took part in our most recent 30 Pedals in 30 Days. So, check out the latest from these cutting edge pedal manufacturers.

NAMM 2014 Bugera G5 INFINIUM
What else can you expect from a company that’s part of the Uli Behringer network of awesomeness? With the G5 INFINIUM, it’s obvious that Bugera Amps is quickly making headway as an industry leader.

NAMM 2014: Blackstar ID: Core Models and HT CLUB 40 Vintage Pro Guitar Amps
Earlier this month, we had reported that Blackstar amps were up to some mysterious shenanigans. Finally, they have revealed what all of the mystery was about. Blackstar have expanded their ID Series amps with three new ID: Core Models.

NAMM 2014: VOX Night Train G2, AC15C1, SoundBox Mini Guitar Amplifiers
VOX thought it would be a good idea to put out three new killer pieces of gear for NAMM 2014. We here at have to agree!

NAMM 2014: Line 6 AMPLIFi Guitar Amplifier
If there’s one name that synonymous with technology, that would be Line 6. And, they’re using their technological capabilities to bring us something new.

NAMM 2014: KORG Pitcblack Pro Rack-Mount Tuner
Korg is taking all of the awesomeness that they put into the Pitchblack foot pedal and kicking it up to the next level in a one space Rack-Mount unit.

NAMM 2014: Peavey VYPYR PRO, Sanpera Pro, ReValver 4, and More!
Peavey has been busy in the past year gearing up for NAMM 2014. As a result, they’ve released a whole slew of new gear.

NAMM 2014: Pigtronix Rototron Rotary Speaker Simulator
Pigtronix,’s favorite pedal company with the word “pig” in it, has released the Rototron Rotary Speaker Simulator for NAMM 2014.

So It Begins! NAMM SLAMM 2014
Who’s got two thumbs and is going to bring you the best NAMM coverage of yo life? This guuuyyyyyy!!!!!!

NAMM 2014: Singular Sound BeatBuddy
Where can you find somebody who’s going to deliver sick beats and not have to borrow money after every practice? Enter the BeatBuddy: The first guitar pedal drum machine.