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The Future of Gear - Main Page

The Future of Gear – Main Page

Welcome Welcome to the main landing page of THE FUTURE OF GEAR. History What is The Future of Gear? The Future of Gear is a documentary where we will uncover the many facets of the music industry piece by piece.  It was born out of a conversation between Marc Johnson (MJ) and I (TTK).  After […]

Gearing up for NAMM

Gearing up for NAMM

Ah, the quiet before the storm. Plane Tickets in hand, this is gearing up to be TTK’s biggest year at NAMM. In addition to bringing’s exclusive coverage to new heights, NAMM will be the breaking ground for The Future of Gear. The Tone King’s documentary that looks at the direction the of the industry […]

Update: The Future of Gear

Update: The Future of Gear

First off, we’ve been overwhelmed with the support that fans of have been offering. And, we love you guys for it! It just goes to show how much you guys care about gear, and we promise not to let you guys down. Thank you so much for your help. Everyone at has been […]

Future of Gear - Media

Future of Gear – Media

What is The Future of Gear – Media Page

The Future of Gear

The Future of Gear

What is The Future of Gear?