Update: The Future of Gear
Marc Johnson | Dec 28, 2012 | Comments 0
First off, we’ve been overwhelmed with the support that fans of TheToneKing.com have been offering. And, we love you guys for it! It just goes to show how much you guys care about gear, and we promise not to let you guys down. Thank you so much for your help.
Everyone at TheToneKing.com has been hard at work, trying to get the word out about our new documentary, The Future of Gear. Even through the holidays, we’ve been working behind the scenes to get this thing happening. I thought it would be a good idea to let our loyal TTK followers know what we’ve been doing.
Getting Ready For NAMM:
This is big! We are poised to have our best NAMM yet. In addition to The Tone King himself, me and a bunch of other people are going to be flying out to NAMM to get you guys more coverage. In addition to our NAMM exclusive coverage, we’ll be hard at work getting as many interviews as we can for The Future of Gear. What better place to start?
Exclusive Interviews:
While it’s too early to talk about who we got lined up for the documentary, we can say that we’re going to get to talk to some of the biggest names in guitar gear. It wasn’t easy lining up some of these big names, but we feel that we have a great start. But, there’s always more work to be done!
Getting the Word Out:
Phone. Email. Snail Mail. Text. Twitter. Facebook. Indiegogo. And everywhere in-between. We’ve been hard at work calling everybody that we know, trying to get the word out there about the documentary. And you know what? It’s been working. There’s been a big buzz about it. So far, we’ve had everyone volunteering to help out.
If this is the first time hearing about this, now it’s your turn. If you’re a fan of TheToneKing.com, help us get the word out there. The more funding we receive, the better the documentary will turn out. We’re looking to make this the most in-depth look at the current and future state of guitar gear ever produced. Go to indiegogo.com/thetoneking and help fund The Future of Gear. If you’ve already contributed, share the page with your friends. Let them know how important this is to all of us. The more we get the word out, the better this thing is going to be!
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Filed Under: News • Commentary / Editorials • TTK's NAMM SLAMM 2013 • Future of Gear
About the Author: Marc published his first novel Becoming in 2010. It’s a kick-ass book with monsters and dreams and stuff, and you should buy it. Since then, he’s written thousands of articles for TheToneKing.com, many of which have been picked up for circulation by manufacturers and other news outlets.
His next book, Drugs and Pancakes, should be available early 2014 if his alcoholic editor can find time to work on it in-between destroying his liver and screaming about punctuation. He graduated from Roosevelt University with honors, which means that he’s not as dumb as he looks.
He’s been playing guitar for over 25 years, which is almost twice as long as most of his students have been alive.