The Future of Gear
admin | Nov 29, 2012 | Comments 1
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Since 2008, we here at The Tone King have used our experience and knowledge to keep you up to date on the newest guitar gear. So far it’s been a hell of a ride! But now we want to bring it to the next level.
In short, we want you to help us make a documentary. We need your help to answer the question: “What is the future of gear?”
We decided that if we were going to do this, we were going to do it right. You know what they say; “Either go big or go home.”
Whether it’s Fender’s failed IPO or Guitar Center nearing bankruptcy, the future of gear is not exactly clear. Some manufacturers will tell you the future lies in emerging markets like China or India, while others are going back to basics and building some of their old favorites.
In a 5-part documentary, we will talk to the creators, the investors, the manufacturers, the sellers, and the players. We want to know what new gear is around the bend. We want to know where it’s going to be built. We want to know how much it will cost. We want the full story.
Part One: The Creators
These are the guys who come up with the ideas for gear. Whether it’s Leo Fender or Hisatake Shibuya, there’s always an innovator who gets it all going. Who are the innovators of today? And where do they see guitars and amps going in the future?
Part Two: The Investors
Whether you like it or not, it takes money to make money. And while many investors have brought us the best in gear, there are many who have also brought us the worst. Questions always linger when the investors get too involved: “What does an investor know about guitars?”
Part Three: The Manufacturers
U.S. or China? Japan or Indonesia? Where are the next great pieces going to be manufactured? How are companies going to combat the problem of ‘knock-off’ pieces that have been making their way into the black market? And, how are companies going to maintain quality work when they are dealing with manufacturers that are thousands of miles away?
Part Four: The Sellers
With the financial problems of Big-Box stores how is this going to affect the family shops? Will Guitar Center go under or will they find a way to bring themselves back from the brink? What gear are the local shops looking forward to?
Part Five: The Players
The most important part of the chain, what do the players expect from the future of gear? What are they looking for? Do they want something new, or are they happy with the old-school gear that they’ve always used?
How Your Money Will Be Spent:
After doing videos for four years, we’ve realized two things: Videos are expensive and time consuming.
Even though we think that we know a thing or two about vids considering we’ve been doing them for four years, a documentary is freaking huge. And the costs are just as huge. Here are just a few things that the money will go towards:
1 – Gas Money, Airfare, and Lodging at various locations around the world for The Tone King and his cameraman
2 – Video and sound editing
3 – Graphic work and animations
4 – Writing and editing for press releases and articles
5 – Licensing
If you can’t contribute money to the campaign …
but still want to help, contact us and we’ll see if we have a job for you. Let us know if you’re into video editing, graphic work, marketing, or anything else that might help us get this project off the ground.
So, if you want to see where the world of gear is headed, make sure you contribute what you can, and we’ll get to work.
Thank you,
The Tone King
<<11/29 Facebook Guitar Pick Promotion Winners>>
If your name is listed below – you were the first to cross promte ‘The Future of Gear’ campaign across the Internet! MUCH, MUCH thanks. Please send me a private email directly to : with your Facebook UserID in the Subject along with the # ( exactly as it reads below), and include your full mailing address in the body of the email. Please also tell me where you cross promoted the link : I will mail the picks out within 7 days. THANK YOU! (If your picks have not been mailed, it is because I DO NOT HAVE your address! Please send me an email, as outlined above). Thank you \m/
Madroj D’Madone (mailed 12/3)
- Alfonso Churro Cervantes
- Aaron Sta Maria
- Andy Lloyd (mailed 12/3)
- Mike Rvis
- Gabriel Rodrigo Bustamante Garin
- Karim Cordilia
- Donny Cisewski (mailed 12/3)
- John Reatz (mailed 12/3)
- Travis Davis (mailed 12/3)
- Danny Hennessy (mailed 12/3)
- Ethan Swearengin (mailed 12/3)
- Stefan Jonsson
- Brady Benjamin Hull
- Michael Henderson (mailed 12/3)
- Sailer BrosBand
- Eric Tomerlin
- Simon Ingel
- Michael Barber
- Jeff Harper
- Erick Martin (mailed 12/4)
- Sergio Terol
- Matt Davis
- Brian Colston (mailed 12/3)
- Mike Jamgochian (mailed 12/3)
- Brett McIntyre
- Igor Alexander (mailed 12/4)
- Adam Reiver
- Doug Forbes
- Brian McDonald
- Jackson Andrew Lewis
- Jamie Gorringe (mailed 12/3)
- Aniolek Wzy (mailed 12/3)
- Matic Milan (mailed 12/4)
- Frank Campero
- Zakk Vee (mailed 12/3)
- Choo Bam (mailed12/3)
- Joe Davies (mailed 12/3)
- Michael Rivera (mailed 12/4)
- Edson Jenhiti Higa
- Jack Red Mcnaughton (mailed 12/4)
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Filed Under: News • Future of Gear
About the Author: Hello. Welcome to! My name is Louis, but in name of good fun & entertainment - I call myself The Tone King. This website was born back in 2008, to compliment the videos I started uploading to YouTube on guitar & related gear (guitar, amps, pedals, etc.). It has since grown, thanks to the thousands that tune in, making it what it is. If you subscribe to, you can expect lots of Guitar, Amp, Pedal Reviews & Shoot-Out videos. I also have monthly Live Webcasts, perform Artist Interviews, and try to get all the juicy coverage Backstage and at trade-shows like NAMM. The cherry on top is that there are no shortage of How-To Videos & TTK Killer Deal Alerts getting you the most knowledge & gear into your hands & mind! Thanks for stopping by to check out my website! Rock ON!