Francis “The Grin” Gray. The Canadian Connection
The Grin | Nov 01, 2010 | Comments 0
Born in a town that felt smaller then it was, Francis Gray grew up knowing he was weirder then your average child. He started playing bass before guitar at 15. At 17, he moved to Edmonton, Alberta, and attended a high school that focused more on the arts & performance, where his eccentricity was more accepted.
His first band was a mixture of Black Label Society and Sepultura, which ran by the name UN-ARM-ME. This ended with the birth of his daughter. Years after, his son was born and he joined a rock band soon after. A bass heavy band, deeply influenced by the blues called “From the Fringes”, which was short lived. He now waits and dreams for the next opportunity to step on stage. More then ready and willing to play for 10 to 10,000+ people.
He is now more known as a writer then a musician. There have been a few unsuccessful attempts at writing over the years but a short story was finished January 2011 which marked a new level of confidence. From that point on, many stories have been stared. Nothing published, but maybe one day.
As for the chosen alias as written by Steve Niles; art by Nick Stakal.
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About the Author: Started playing bass at 15. It was Danko Jones who inspired me to play at all, and in a small town I couldn't be picky on what I can get my hands on, so I bought a squire with pride. Obtained a B.C. Rich guitar months later. Moved to the city at 17. At 19 joined my first metal band as a bassist which ended at 20. Joined a bass heavy rock band, which I loved being in whole heartily. I now wait to venture into a new project. For the time being though, I am exploring my abilities as a writer.