Metal Marion: A Bad Girl With Brains
The Tone King | Dec 01, 2010 | Comments 1
Born in the dirty south on August 2, 1991 during a horrific thunderstorm that foreshadowed the destructive force of nature she would become, Metal Marion has always lived by her own rules.
A living embodiment of rock n’ roll rebellion, Marion has a passion for classic rock, heavy metal, and, of course, the men that make the music! L.A. Guns, Mӧtley Crϋe, Charm City Devils, Hardcore Superstar, CrashdЇet, Wednesday 13, Cinderella, and Kiss, are just a few of her favorites. She has had the privilege of working closely with many rock bands and loves being in the public eye. Music is the backbeat of her soul and the driving force behind her power, inspiring her to be the best and wildest she can be.
Graduating with a Communication Studies degree from West Chester University in spring of 2013, she made the Dean’s List every semester. Living proof not to judge a book by its cover, Metal Marion is a bad girl with brains.
…a dangerous combination.
Fitness is an important pillar of her lifestyle. It has taught her self-discipline and provided her the stamina to be as destructive as possible, when she chooses. Even when she was too young to hold a job, she placed within the top five women of every race she ran. She is literally ‘too fast for love.’
Adventurous and determined, when Metal Marion wants something, she doesn’t stop until she gets it.
In 2010, Stephen Pytak, an author and filmmaker, was enchanted by Marion’s mysterious and sexy persona. He hired her to give life to one of his most notorious characters, Love Doll. In addition to acting and modeling, Marion landed an internship with the legendary Philadelphia rock station, WMMR. It wasn’t long before they recognized her talents and hired her on as part of their promotions team.
An elegant, sultry, and fierce beauty, Metal Marion is impossible to forget.
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