All Entries in the "3P3D-2013" Category

30 Pedals in 30 Days: Maxon’s AD10 Analog Delay and ASC10 Analog Stereo Chorus
Maxon once again proves that you don’t have to jam your pedals full of features in order to make them versatile. For 30 Pedals in 30 Days, once again dives into the world of Maxon as we check out the AD10 and the ASC10.

30 Pedals in 30 Days: Hardwire Pedals DL-8 and SC-2
Hardwire came on the scene in 2007 with the intention of making pedals built for the road for gigging musicians. When we here at were setting up the schedule for 30 Pedals in 30 Days, we knew that Hardwire had to be involved. So, we checked out Hardwire’s DL-8 and SC-2 to see if they are truly road worthy.

30 Pedals in 30 Days: Earthquaker Devices The Depths
Vibe can offer rock players a dimension of sound that most have neglected. Nobody knows this better than the guys and girls over at Earthquaker Devices. Enter Earthquaker’s classic sounding and versatile The Depths Optical Vibe Machine pedal. had a chance to give The Depths a test run for 30 Pedals in 30 Days.

30 Pedals in 30 Days: AMT Electronics SS-30 and SS-11B Guitar Preamps
A Bulava is a Russian missile that will level your entire neighborhood before you have a chance to sweep-pick an A Minor arpeggio. One of the few pieces of gear that might manage to survive an onslaught of Bulava missiles, is AMT Electronics’ SS-30 Bulava and SS-11 preamp pedals. For 30 Pedals in 30 Days, wanted to check out how hard hitting these pedals could be.

30 Pedals in 30 Days: Wampler Velvet Fuzz and Euphoria Overdrive/Distortion
For those of us who search for good tone, we always have to keep one thing in mind: The big picture. Wampler Pedals knows this. For 30 Pedals in 30 Days, had a chance to see the big picture with Wampler’s Velvet Fuzz and Euphoria Overdrive

30 Pedals in 30 Days: MXR Super Badass
MXR has been making pedals longer than many of you have been alive. Let’s face it. You don’t stay in business for 40 years if your pedals suck. For 30 Pedals in 30 Days, had a chance to check out MXR’s Super Badass Distortion pedal and see if it is truly badass.

30 Pedals in 30 Days: Jet City GuitarSlinger Hi-Gain Boost
Making boutique affordable. That’s what Jet City is all about. And, they do it in a way that most companies can only dream of; by going to the source. For 30 Pedals in 30 Days, had a chance to check out the Jet City GuitarSlinger Hi-Gain Boost and see if they’ve managed to harness boutique tone in an affordable package.

30 Pedals in 30 Days: Rocktron Unity Tuner
You can have fast hands, primo gear, and attitude, but if you ain’t in tune, you ain’t got nothin’. Since the early ‘80’s, Rocktron has been focused on the gigging musician. And their Unity Tuner is no exception. For 30 Pedals in 30 Days, took a look at Rocktron’s Unity Tuner to see if it is a player’s must have.

30 Pedals in 30 Days: GTM End of the World Fuzz
What do you do when you’ve owned a shop for twenty years and can’t find a fuzz pedal that you like? You build one. For 30 Pedals in 30 Days, had a chance to check out Goodtime Music’s End of the World Fuzz pedal and see if can stand up to the big boys.

30 Pedals in 30 Days: MODKitsDIY The Persuader Deluxe
MODkitsDIY pedals are a completely different game than your run ‘o’ mill pedals. Because it’s your hands that are building the pedal, you learn more about what makes up your tone. For a special episode from 30 Pedals in 30 Days, had the opportunity to watch the guys at MODKitsDIY build the Persuader Deluxe from scratch. Then, we got to play it.