30 Pedals in 30 Days: Randall RD1C
Marc Johnson | Nov 28, 2013 | Comments 0
Don’t forget to check out the video at the bottom of the page.
In case you’ve been in a blind drunken stupor, for 30 Pedals in 30 Days 2013, TheToneKing.com and Randall amplifiers are giving away a Randall RD1C. Of course if you are still drunk, that’s okay. It’s not too late. There are still three days left to get your name in the hat to win one of these bad boys. A 1-Watt tube-driven little beast that will make you question everything that you think that you know about modern amplification, the RD1C is an ass kicker. Let us take a break from pedals for today to check out Randall’s RD1C.
The old thinking would have people scoff at 1-Watt. “That’s not nearly loud enough for my playing!” Of course, those people are fools. Thankfully, more and more people are recognizing that you don’t need to have a lot of wattage to make some noise. The difference between solid-state wattage and tube wattage is like comparing Kenny G to Slayer. To understand this difference, you need to know what a Watt is. You know what that means? Time for some damn science!
Repeat after me:
A Watt is not a measure of volume!
A Watt is not a measure of volume!!!
A Watt is not a freaking measure of volume!!!!!!!!
Simply stated, a Watt measures how much energy is converted or transferred through a given circuit. An amp that is less efficient will use more wattage in order to produce less overall useable volume than a more efficient circuit. So, a shitty amp that’s rated at 300 Watts might not be as loud as a kick ass 100-Watt amp.
Further, Wattage in amps is measured in the circuit before it clips. When a solid-state amp clips, it clips hard. And usually sounds like ass when it does it. When a tube amp clips, it clips smooth. Like the gentle caress of the goddess Aphrodite on your junk, a clip on a good tube amp will send chills down your spine. That’s why most amp manufacturers have the good sense to have their tube amps start clipping at 5 or 6 on the dial while their solid state amps will clip at 9 or 10. If you’re sober enough to follow, you’ll guess where this is going:
Tube amps are way louder than solid state.
The good news is that this is starting to become common knowledge amongst players. Which is why it’s no surprise that the Randall RD1C can tear through some eardrums even at a single watt.
Driven by two 12AX7s in the preamp section and one 12AU7 in the power section, this single channel amp can get killer distorted tube tones at modest volumes. The single 8” speaker tightens up the low end, optimizing the amp for down tuning. Keeping that punch, while still giving players more gain than they can ask for. An FX loop makes it easy to integrate whatever effects you want in this portable little beast.
The controls are simple but give players plenty of versatility. The Gain knob rolls anywhere from clean to scream. The Tone knob goes from a death metal rumble to a modern metal kick to the throat. And, I’m not going waste my time telling you what the Volume does. Although, I will note that you should already know that a Volume knob on a tube amp behaves differently than solid state. But you knew that already. Didn’t you?
Then, there’s an XLR out for direct recording, and a kill switch for silent recording. A three-way Tone Shift knob for more sounds. Did I mention that the RD1C is designed by famed amp designer, Mike Fortin? Because he’s a badass.
In true Randall fashion, the RD1C is built like a tank. Roadworthy as it is loud, the RD1C is just as comfortable at a gig with a mic in front of it as it is in your living room. For players looking for a more portable rig, or just something to practice on in their hotel rooms, the RD1C would definitely be worth checking out.
Of course, thanks to the help of Joe Delaney and Paul DeMaio from Randall, TheToneKing.com is ready to help you get your hands on one of these little beasts. Keep your eyes peeled during 30 Pedals in 30 Days, because Randall’s RD1C is in reach. Drink some coffee. Take a few aspirin. Or, hell. Stay drunk. It don’t matter. Just get your ass in gear and get your hands on this gear.
Click here to enter into TheToneKing.com’s 30 Pedals in 30 Days Randall Give-Away!
[youtuber youtube=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9iOHtPfHkBw’]
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About the Author: Marc published his first novel Becoming in 2010. It’s a kick-ass book with monsters and dreams and stuff, and you should buy it. Since then, he’s written thousands of articles for TheToneKing.com, many of which have been picked up for circulation by manufacturers and other news outlets.
His next book, Drugs and Pancakes, should be available early 2014 if his alcoholic editor can find time to work on it in-between destroying his liver and screaming about punctuation. He graduated from Roosevelt University with honors, which means that he’s not as dumb as he looks.
He’s been playing guitar for over 25 years, which is almost twice as long as most of his students have been alive.