All Entries Tagged With: "Guitars"

How to Save Plenty of Cash on Guitar Equipment
Without a doubt, new guitar equipment can cost a pretty penny, especially if you hope to invest in top-of-the-range gear. However, not everyone is in the financial position to spend a small fortune on an original Gibson Les Paul or a Fender Stratocaster. Don’t worry, even if you only have a small amount of cash […]

The Presidential Pedalboard! What The Candidates Are Stepping On (Besides The Little People..Ha Ha!)
Fake News? You decide …

Reversing Gear? What Does A Potential Economic Recession Mean For Gear?
What would a recession mean to us gear nerds?

The Forgotten Continent – How Framus is Changing the Common Conceptions of Guitar Building.
Imagine a pop quiz, handed out to your average joe guitar and bass players walking down the street, hanging out at a music store, or whatever scenario you wish to devise, that asks one question: in one word, where are the best instruments made?

Sweetwater Giveaway – Win 1 of 6 Guitars
Sweetwater – Win 1 of 6 Guitars – 6 Prize Packages – Total Value Over $15,000 – Guitar & Gear Giveaway.

Volante Guitars: Custom Guitars That Give Back (Interview)
Passion is what David Volante describes as the impetus behind Volante Guitars. interviews David Volante about building custom guitars for less.

An Open Letter to G&L Guitars: Get Your Head Out of Your Ass!
The outstanding product that you produce as a guitar manufacturer is belied by your terrible mismanagement as a company.

Vintage Inspiration: Michael Kelly Guitars 1950s Series
When it comes to classic model guitars, players can be dangerous. Put your knives away. would like to introduce you to Michael Kelly Guitars.

The People’s Signature Guitar: The Story of Chapman Guitars
Chapman Guitars has emerged to harness the collaborative power of the Internet and put players in this driver’s seat.

Fender Bender: What Is The Future of Fender Guitars?
Ever since Fender pulled out of its IPO two years ago, they’ve been going through a ton of changes. Some of those changes have left us scratching our heads.