RSSAll Entries Tagged With: "Eventide"

Tricera-TOPS in Modulation - Eventide's TriceraChorus Stomps the Chorusing Competition

Tricera-TOPS in Modulation – Eventide’s TriceraChorus Stomps the Chorusing Competition

Eventide does it again … this time with the TriceraChorus!

Finding Inspiration In A Challenging Online Gear World ... And Some Ways to Help Keep Things Positive

Finding Inspiration In A Challenging Online Gear World … And Some Ways to Help Keep Things Positive

What’s your inspiration during these challenging times?

30 Pedals in 30 Days: Eventide H9 Harmonizer Effects Processor

30 Pedals in 30 Days: Eventide H9 Harmonizer Effects Processor

Eventide’s been on the cutting edge of top-shelf effect technology for 40 years. The H9 Harmonizer Effects Processor is a giant leap forward in the integration of effects into live and recording performances. We here at knew we had to check it out for 30 Pedals in 30 Days, and we weren’t disappointed.

Eventide - 30 Pedals in 30 Days 2012

Eventide – 30 Pedals in 30 Days 2012

Like the Doctor’s TARDIS, the Eventide SPACE is bigger on the inside!