Confidence Builder: How MOD Kits DIY Can Fine Tune Your Amp Tech Chops


Back during 3P3D 2014, you got to watch this author build his own wah pedal, the MOD Kits DIY Wahtz Wah.  I’m happy to report that the Waltz Wah is still sounding great and going strong.  The soldering irons burns on my fingers have also healed nicely.

I kid!  Despite being none too graceful with electrical work, the Wahtz Wah kit made it easy to arrange my workspace, organize my work flow, and proceed at my own pace.  The only things that came into contact with the soldering iron was the stuff that was supposed to.  And wouldn’t you know that I learned quite a bit about how a wah pedal works along the way.

So for those of us that really want to get an education into the inner works of amplifiers, MOD Kits has once again stepped up to the plate with a handful of different amp kits that will build your confidence and knowledge about a critical piece of electric guitar equipment.

Perhaps the most important thing you’ll learn with a MOD Kits amp kit is safety.  Working on amps, tube amps in particular, can be a risky proposition if you don’t know what you’re doing. Even an unplugged tube amp can continue voltages strong enough to fry most anything attached to you.  That is why many folks wisely avoid servicing tube amps themselves and taking them to a tech.  But MOD Kits amp kits give you a nice introduction, using plain language, to the fundamentals of amp design and maintenance, helping you carefully navigate what can be an intimidating undertaking for the unexperienced.

On top of that, you’ll learn how to do basic electrical work like soldering and amp biasing (in the MOD 101 kit).  By understanding tube bias, you gain more detailed knowledge about how tubes age and effect your tone.  As with everything else, the MOD Kit amp kits manuals spell everything out in simple, easy-to-understand language.

MOD Kits currently offers three different kits to tempt you, the MOD 101, MOD 102, and MOD 102+.  The 102 and 102+ both clock in at a bedroom-approved 5 watts and 8 watts, respectively, provided by a single EL84 in the power section.  Both combine American and British via a U.S. style tube circuit coupled with an Anglo-influenced power section that sweeps from detailed cleans to smooth drive.  The 102+ adds additional features to the platform for added versatility, including push-pull bright, mid-boost, and a “Turbo” feature to push things a little harder. Where the 102 uses a 12AX7 in the preamp section, the 102+ opts for a ECC803, creating a richer set of midrange harmonics.

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The MOD 101 delivers 60 watts through a customizable tone stack.  Thirty two circuit variations are available, providing a wide range of tonal character in a single channel format, powered by either two 6L6 (for a more American vibe) or two EL34s (if you fancy a bit of Brit).  Both kits include all the parts you’ll need (you provide the soldering iron and solder) and detailed, illustration-laden instructions that will take you through each step in a basic, straightforward manner.


Let’s face it: as easy as it is to troll down to your local shop or even purchase online, when you have the opportunity to get your hands a bit dirty and build your own gear, the payoff is more than simply acquiring a new piece of equipment.  You gain a sense of pride and an expansion of your gear-oriented skills and knowledge, which can have tremendous long-term dividends.  I built a relatively simple wah pedal, and still get all “proud papa” when I look at the thing.  Imagine what sort of pride building a cool-sounding tube amp can instill.  With MOD Kits DIY, achieving that sense of accomplishment is easier than ever.

Check out the MOD102+ press release below!





April 2015

New from MODTM Kits DIY

MOD102+ tube amp kit


The MOD102+ expands on the same all analog vacuum tube classic American circuit design combined with a British style Class A output section as the Original MOD102 with some much added special “+” features. These special features include a three position progressive toggle switch for off-standby-power and additional push-pull functionality for each control – pull out the bass control knob for “mid boost”, pull out the treble control knob for “bright”, pull out the volume control knob for “turbo”. These new features and a JJ ECC803-S (a long plate 12AX7 known for its complex mid range tones) allow for a wider variety of tones and extra control for the user.

MODTM Kits and Assemblies are designed to give novice and experienced musicians the opportunity to build or modify their own amps, effects pedals and guitars. All kits come with easy-to-follow instructions and use point-to-point wiring. All effect pedals and amplifiers come with a pre-drilled enclosure and all necessary parts are included. All you need to provide are hand tools, a soldering iron and solder.  The effect pedal operates on a 9V battery; for a longer lasting option, a 9-volt adapter can be purchased separately.

For a complete listing of kits available from MODTM Kits DIY visit



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