3 Tips For Staying Safe At Summer Music Festivals

If you love music, you probably have some summer music festivals on your summer bucket list. Especially since many of the summer music festivals had been canceled over the last few years, more people than ever are gearing up to attend these events. However, with the hot weather and other potential dangers that can come from going to a music festival, it’s vital that you do everything in your power to protect yourself while you’re there.

To help you see how this can be done, here are three tips for staying safe at summer music festivals. 

Don’t Let The Sun Burn You

Being outside all day can be torturous for your skin. Especially in very hot temperatures, the sun can be even more harsh and burn your skin so much quicker. 

To combat this, your first goal should be to try to stay in the shade as much as possible when attending a summer music festival. Hopefully the festival has planned for hot temperatures by providing a lot of places to rest in the shade for their patrons. Along with this, make sure you bring and reapply sunscreen regularly so that you can protect your skin from the damage of a sunburn. And to further protect yourself, it’s a good idea to wear sunglasses and a hat so that you can even better protect some of the most sensitive areas of your body—your eyes and your scalp. 

Make A Plan For Staying Hydrated

It’s not only the sun that you have to worry about when you’re at a summer music festival. You also have to know how high temperatures could affect your body in a negative way.

Not only are you going to just be outside when it’s hot out, but if you’re dancing to music or sweating a lot more than usual, you’ll need to focus on proper hydration even more. To do this, try to come to the festival with a plan for hydration. If you’re allowed to bring in your own water bottle, make sure you do this and plan to hit refill stations at least every hour or so. And if bringing your own bottle isn’t allowed, be prepared to pay for water throughout the day so that you can stay safe and healthy, as drinking unclean water that you may find around could be bad for your health. 

Keep An Eye Out For Potential Dangers

Along with the heat and the sun, there are other dangers that you’ll want to be on the lookout for while at a summer music festival. To best do this, try to look around at your surroundings and notice if there’s anything that could be dangerous for you. This could include people who rub you the wrong way, areas where movement is limited, large crowds of people, and more. And when you notice something like this, do your best to avoid these things or have a plan for a quick exit if you need one. 

If you’re planning to attend one or more summer music festivals in the coming months, consider using the tips mentioned above to help you stay safe while you do so.

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About the Author: Hello. Welcome to TheToneKing.com! My name is Louis, but in name of good fun & entertainment - I call myself The Tone King. This website was born back in 2008, to compliment the videos I started uploading to YouTube on guitar & related gear (guitar, amps, pedals, etc.). It has since grown, thanks to the thousands that tune in, making it what it is. If you subscribe to TheToneKing.com, you can expect lots of Guitar, Amp, Pedal Reviews & Shoot-Out videos. I also have monthly Live Webcasts, perform Artist Interviews, and try to get all the juicy coverage Backstage and at trade-shows like NAMM. The cherry on top is that there are no shortage of How-To Videos & TTK Killer Deal Alerts getting you the most knowledge & gear into your hands & mind! Thanks for stopping by to check out my website! Rock ON!

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